Integrative Practitioners
Here is a list of specialists (doctors, nutritionists and others) across New Zealand who have been found to be helpful. I have not met them nor have any interest in favouring any of them .. they are here as recommendations from others in our AutoImmune community, and the list is updated each January. If you have seen one of them I would appreciate your feedback ..
Nutritionist/Clinician: Kaytee Boyd
72 Apollo Drive, Mairangi Bay, North Shore City, Auckland
P: 098694999
M: 0221310776
e: enquiries@theboydclinic.co.nz
w: https://www.theboydclinic.co.nz/
Nutritionist/Naturopath/Author and Researcher: Cliff Harvey
Holistic, Performance Nutrition
p: 022 016 9831
e: cliff@hpn.ac.nz
w: www.cliffharvey.com
Doctor: Dr Tessa Jones
Karanga Health Centre, Greenhill Road, Motueka
e: reception@karangahealth.co.nz
w: www.karangahealth.co.nz
Medical Herbalist: Jacqueline Griffin
147 West Belt, Rangiora
P: (03) 310 6052
M: 021 299 8385
e: jgmedicalherbalist@gmail.com
Registered Naturopathic Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist & Medical Herbalist: Stephen Roigard
275 Fifield Terrace, Opawa, Christchurch
P: 021 198 0057
e: info@stephenroigard.com
w: https://stephenroigard.com
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