With Thanks

It all begins with an idea, a concept, trials and new learning to pull off something this beautiful and heartfelt of which I am immensely proud of.

And of course it is seldom done single handedly.
Over the years friends and family and people I didn’t initially know have helped me pull this thing together. So here, I want to say thank you to them for proof reading, or editing and giving me feedback, for the kind words, inspiration and sharing their technical skills on my ‘road less travelled’ journey into producing something so worthwhile for New Zealanders living with AutoImmune disorders.

Karen Brady in Naseby.
Robyn King in Ranfurly.
Fianna Forsythe - who happens to run
the loveliest design studio ever, the
Forsythe Studio (
Dean Buchanan from drb entertainment
(for allowing Two Raw Sisters recipes to be reprinted here).
Rosa and Margo Flanagan who remind me to
keep learning and eating clean.
Emma Galloway who inspires me with her soulful
cooking and recently her beautiful ceramics.
And her publisher, Holly Hart Jenkins of Harper Collins Publishers (NZ).
And, Julia Busuttil Nishimura whose books are
works of art, thank you for allowing me to
reprint your recipes here for our community.

xx Natalie

On the way up to Dykes Dam in Patearoa

on my way up to dykes dam, patearoa